Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Movie for Lilyana

We decided it was time to try the movie theater out. Not a good idea! Lilyana is a very lively and active little 3 year old and that does not mix well with movie theaters! She sat still long enough to make it through the previews and about 5 minutes of the movie, HOP. Lilyana viewed the theater as a giant playground and thought it was was more thrilling to run up and down the stairs, talk, swing on each and every bar she saw, inspect all the lights on the floor, leave to go potty at least 5 times, etc. Mike said we will try again in 5 years! :) Gotta love her!

Helping with the Grocery Shopping

We can never go to Pick N Save anymore with stopping at the bakery for a free cookie!

Gavyn's Facing Forwards!

Gavyn probably wouldn't have minded staying in his infant carrier, but it was his Mommy that couldn't carry it anymore! He sat so well backwards. It was quite funny getting him into his new car seat. He kind of looked scared taking everything in looking at the world a totally different way.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finally Enjoying the Cake!

Days later Gavyn started to feel better and finally decided he wanted to try out the cake. He LOVED it! He could not stop eating it. We eventually had to take it away because he was about to eat the whole cake! We are so happy you are feeling a little better! We love you Buddy Boy!

Gavyn's Birthday Party!

We celebrated Gavyn's birthday a few days later. Gavyn was still not feeling himself but was slowly getting better. Family and friends came to Generations at Play to help celebrate. Gavyn was not in the mood to try his cake but he definitely was quite the little trooper all day long.

Gavyn Turn One!

Gavyn's first birthday was a difficult time. In the morning we took him to celebrate at Betty Brinn Museum. He starting acting very tired and becoming lethargic. We left the museum and got him to the doctor. After tests, blood work, and chest x-rays we discovered he had pneumonia. He had a fever of 103 and a double ear infection as well. 3 hours at the Dr office is not how we planned to celebrate Gavyn's first birthday. He had shots of Antibiotics given to him and was sent home. We are truly lucky that we were able to avoid a trip to Children's Hospital which was the next step if his fever did not go down. Happy First Birthday to our poor little sick boy. :(

Happy 3rd Birthday Lilyana!!

We celebrated Lilyana's 3rd birthday at home with family and friends and entertainment by Kindermusik. It was a great time. We can't believe our little daughter is 3 years old. She has turned into such a little lady. A little lady with an attitude. ;)Happy 3rd Birthday Lilyana!! We love you!!

And another nice place to nap!

Nice place to take a nap!


Lilyana really enjoyed her first trip to the circus. She takes about it all the time. She likes to pretend that she is the ringmaster announcing all the acts.

~Enjoying the View~

Playing Outside!

Gavyn getting into trouble

Big Snow Storm!

Dells with The Williamson's