Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Trip up North!

We rented a cabin in Sugar Camp, WI with another couple and their 1 year old. It was a lot fun! First day or so was a little chilly but good thing the county fair was going on! That kept the kids busy. Had a great Fish Fry at Pitlik's in Sugar Camp,it was recommended to us and I would highly recommend it as well if your ever in the area. The rest of the vaction was spent swimming, eating, bonfires, and relaxing! Good times!
I had to take a picture of the only one eyed horse I have ever seen! Crazy!! I guess it had an eye infection and had to have it surgically removed since the infection never went away.
Gavyn's first roller coaster ride! I was scared out of my mind and had to look away, he on the otherhand had a blast and held on tight the whole time.

1 comment:

Sara Bollech said...

Great pictures! It looks like a fun place. The horse with one eye is a bit creepy though...