Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Introducing Gracelyn Renee!

Introducing Gracelyn Renee! Our third little blessing! It has already been a week since she was born. It just amazes me. We went in last Tuesday for a scheduled C-section (there is the picture of Mike's hot outfit he gets to wear). We got bumped to the afternoon surgery which was very hard to wait for. We got to the hospital at 10AM and had 2hrs prep time then wheeled to surgery a little before noon. Gracelyn was born at 12:28PM. 9lb 1oz, 21 1/4 inches. All I heard the Dr say during surgery is how chunky her cheeks are. Not chubby, chunky. I would have preferred to hear the word chubby, sounds better. :) As with all C-sections she was born and they take her away, I didn't see her for some time, not sure how long but it felt like an eternity. They finally bring her over and show me her face. I don't see her again until I am back in my hospital room. The Dr came in and stated to me that it was very difficult to get her out due to the amount of scar tissue I have and strongly recommends no more pregnancies. :( That's a whole other subject I could write on forever but won't go there right now. Anyways, we got home Friday, had a whirlwind of events happen including my Mom's hospitalization and our cat passing away. Not a normal first day home from the hospital.

Well it has been a week now! I cannot believe it! Surprisingly we have been doing well. I think the transition home with three was easier then with two. Lilyana is so in love with her and has been the greatest help in the world. Gavyn is just starting to come around and show interest in her. He "pets" her head and says how cute she is not that is as close as he will get. :) Mike heads back to work today so it will be the true test to see how I can handle 3 at home! So far Gracelyn has  been really good. Does not cry often, mostly only for diaper changes. When she is hungry is more grunting noises then a full out cry. She is feeding every 2-3 hrs. It is amazing how fast you get used to no sleep. :) Welcome to the world Baby Gracelyn!!