Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary

                                                                       Baby Girl

                                                                   Indian Artifacts

                                                                    Lilyana Driving
                                                            Grandma and Grandpa!
                                                               Friendly Albino Deer

                                                                     Scary Bison!

                                                         Shaking his Tail Feathers!

Today we went to the Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary in West Bend. Totally recommend this! Great enjoyment for adults and kids! You can get so close to the animals more so then at the Zoo and see other animals not found at the Zoo. For an extra cost you can take golf carts through the trails instead of walking. Along the trails is also mailboxes with surprises in for the kids. :) We got to see the employees feed the wolves, each wolf ate 3lbs a meat in like 15 seconds, amazing!! The bison did not like us being so close and was snorting, I thought he was going to charge right through the thin little fence that was keeping us apart! Such a fun time, we were here a few years back and they have made many improvements. Great Times!

Zoo and Festival Fun!

We were given a Zoo pass for the kids birthdays instead of presents and what a great gift it has been already! The kids are obsessed with animals and could go to the Zoo everyday if we would let them. This summer has the Sting rays and shark exhibit. It was neat to touch the sting rays, they feel like soft rubber. I plan to take them quite often this summer since it will be FREE! If anyone has any other free ideas for summer fun please pass on to me. :) We also went to the Lions Fest this past weekend, the kids enjoyed rides and playing games. Gracelyn is such a trooper so far and sleeps or hangs out in the stroller with no complaining. The pictures of her is the day she turned 2 months old on the 9th. Time flies...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Random Pictures

                                                                    First Walk

                                                                 Policeman Gavyn
                                                   Oldest cousin holding youngest cousin
                                                                   Washing the car

                                                                   Bear Babysitter

                                                             First Trip out of state!
                                                            First swim of the Summer!